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Manor Community Primary

Severe Weather

Schools will stay open if at all possible when there is severe weather such as deep/drifting snow, very high winds, widespread flooding.

Parents and carers have the responsibility of getting children/pupils to and from school safely and need to decide if the journey is safe when severe weather affects transport and/or walking conditions.

Parents/carers should inform schools if their child is absent due to severe conditions making the journey unsafe, you can telephone 01322 383314 and choose option 1 to leave a message. If your child has a disability and/or learning difficulty your decision to take the journey must take this into consideration. Please consider carefully and only keep children at home if conditions are unsafe.

On occasions, schools will need to close a message will go out by text to parents and our website updated, our target time to inform parents will be 7.30am, however this may not always be possible. If on the rare occasion school closes at a time within the school day, parents/carers will be informed by text message as soon as possible, please ensure we have an up to date mobile number for you. We will also register a school closure on www.kentclosures.co.uk.

Late opening and/or early closure/and or partial opening i.e the Nursery is closed but the rest of the school is opened, is a possibility in poor weather conditions and schools will either inform parents the night before, by text message as soon as possible.

If conditions worsen in the school day and parents feel it is absolutely necessary to collect children, the school should if possible be contacted prior to collection. Please avoid collecting children before the end of the day unless you feel their safety is at risk.

On occasions, school meal services may be affected by weather conditions so it is a good idea for pupils to bring in extra food. Please ensure your son/daughter is appropriately clothed for cold/wet/windy weather and that shoes/boots have good grip for icy conditions.